Sunday 19 December 2010

Weight Training for ladies

Weights will not make you bulky ladies, men have to seriously up their calorie intake and wolf down protein shakes just to give them a chance of gaining muscle, and they've got more testostorone than you!

What weights will do for you is strengthen your joints and bones, give you a lean and toned appearence, help you burn fat and help you lose a couple of dress sizes, just stick to these rules

1. Keep your repetitions 15 and above of a light to moderate weight
2. Keep your sets to 5 and upwards, as you can see, we are looking at volume here
3. Do Compound Sets - Deadlifts, Squats, Clean and Press etc.  these are the most effective
4. Don't be afraid to sweat!

If your unsure of what you are doing with the weights, get professional help, book in with me on mention this blog and I'll sort you out a discount

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