Thursday 30 December 2010

How to Burn Fat

Lets look at two ways of doing cardiovascular training

- Hours and hours of working at a steady state on a treadmill, cross trainer, bike or running around the street

- Sharp, fast bursts interspersed with slower recovery periods, this is called interval training

One on the left is a "steady state" marathon runner and the one on the right is an "interval" Sprinter.  Both practice the same discipline, running but have totally different physiques, which one would you prefer to have?

In my experience, if you want to lose fat, the second option, three times a week is the way forward e.g.

Walk for one minute, Jog for one minute, Run for one minute and Sprint for one minute and repeat, do this for 30 minutes and forget this "Run at the pace of chat"  On your sprint (what ever it may be for you) you need to really get out of breath!

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