Saturday 29 January 2011

Is Zumba really the way forward ?

The fitness world has been set alight recently with the whole "Zumba" craze.  And I'll say right now that I know very little about the whole thing other than its a dance based workoutout that burns 500 - 700 calories.

What I do know is that I've had several  Zumba enthusiasts in my bootcamps and as my clients and say what I do and what they do at Zumba are worlds apart.  In fact, Zumba got described to me more than once as a "social thing"

As a fitness "veteran" seeing lots of fitness crazes come and go over the years I separate the wheat from the chaff by asking this question.

"Can you train an olympic athlete with the methods of X" (In this case zumba)"

The answer is no, I use squats, deadlifts and clean and presses as it gets maximum results in mimimum time.  The nature of my workouts with clients burn in excess of 1000 - 1100 calories in one hour and they continue burning calories for hours after ther workout

Don't get me wrong, I think that anything that gets people exercising and enjoying themselves is fantastic, BUT is it the most effective method? Hmmm...

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