Monday 24 January 2011

10 possible reasons that you aren't losing weight

1.        You say you “eat well” but in reality, you have no real idea of how many calories you eat on a given day.  Online tools such as can help this
2.       Your diet consists of very little natural foods
3.       You drink alcohol
4.       When you exercise, you don’t use a heart rate monitor to ensure that you are getting between 60% - 80% MHR (Maximum heart rate)
5.       You only exercise 3 hours a week(if that)
6.       You don’t do interval training
7.       You have no progression or overload factored into your workout
8.       Your workout consists of inappropriate isolation exercises such as bicep curls and leg extensions and very few compound exercises such as clean and press and squats
9.       You eat too much sugar
10.   You aren’t honest with yourself regarding exercise and diet

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